- A First Course in Stochastic Calculus, to appear in AMS Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts.
- (Co-edition with V. Gayrard, N. Kistler, I. Kourkova) Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems, Springer, 2019
- (with F. Ouimet, M. Radziwill) Moments of the Riemann zeta function on short intervals, to appear in Ann. Prob.
- (with G. Dubach, L. Hartung) Maxima of a Random Model of the Riemann Zeta Function over Intervals of Varying Length, submitted, Preprint.
- (with E. Amzallag, E. Bailey, K. Hui, R. Rao) Evidence of Random Matrix Corrections for the Large Deviations of Selberg’s Central Limit Theorem, to appear in Experimental Mathematics, Preprint
- (with P. Bourgade, M. Radziwill) The Fyodorov-Hiary-Keating Conjecture 1, submitted, Preprint
- (with C. Newman, D. Stein) Ground state stability in two spin glass models, In and Out of Equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius.
- (with J. Hanson) Absence of Disorder Chaos for Ising Sping Glasses on Z^d, Electron. Commun. Probab. 25
- (with L. Hartung, N.Kistler) High points of a random model of the Riemann-zeta function and Gaussian multiplicative chaos, submitted, Preprint.
- (with C. Newman & D. Stein) A relation between incongruent states and disorder chaos for spin glasses on Z^d, Comm. Math. Physics 367
- (with F. Ouimet) Large deviations and continuity estimates for the derivative of a random model of log|ζ| on the critical line, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
- (with R. Persechino) The free energy of the GREM with random magnetic field, Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems, Springer.
- (with N.-L. Liu, T.-H. Wang) Most-likely-path in Asian option pricing under local volatility models, Int. J. Theoretical and Applied Finance 21
- (with W. Tai) Is the Riemann zeta function a 1-RSB spin glass ?, Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics – I, Springer
- (with D. Belius, P. Bourgade, M. Radziwill, K. Soundararajan) Maximum of the Riemann zeta function on a short interval of the critical axis, Comm. Pure and Applied Math. 72
- (with F. Ouimet) Extremes of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field with scale-dependent variance, ALEA 13
- (with C. Newman, D. Stein, J. Wehr) Zero-Temperature Fluctuations in Short-Range Spin Glasses, J. Stat. Phys. 163
- (with D. Belius, A. Harper) Maxima of a randomized Riemann zeta function, and branching random walks, Ann. Appl. Prob. 27
- (with D. Belius, P. Bourgade) Maximum of the characteristic polynomial of random unitary matrices, Commun. Math. Phys. (2016)
- Extrema of log-correlated random variables: Principles and Examples, Advances in disordered systems, random processes and some applications, Cambridge Univ. Press, Arxiv
- (with C. Newman, D. Stein) Thermodynamic Identities and Symmetry Breaking in Short-Range Spin Glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115
- (with A. Bovier, N. Kistler) An ergodic theorem for the extremal process of branching Brownian motion, Ann. Institut Henri-Poincaré B 51
- (with O. Zindy) Poisson-Dirichlet Statistics for the extremes of the two-dimensional Gaussian free field, Electron. Jour. Prob. 20
- (with M. Damron) On the Number of Ground States in the Edwards-Anderson Spin Glass Model, Ann. Institut Henri-Poincaré B 50
- (with O. Zindy) Poisson-Dirichlet Statistics for the extremes of a log-correlated Gaussian field, Ann. Appl. Prob. 24
- (with C. Newman, D.Stein, J. Wehr) Fluctuation bounds for interface free energies in spin glasses, J. Stat. Phys. 156
- (with N. Kistler) Microcanonical analysis of the random energy model in a random magnetic field, J. Stat. Phys. 157
- (with A. Bovier, N. Kistler) An ergodic theorem at the frontier of branching Brownian motion, Electron. Jour. Prob. 18
- (with S. Chatterjee) Random Overlap Structures: Properties and Applications to Spin Glasses, Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 156
- (with A. Bovier, N. Kistler) The Extremal Process of Branching Brownian Motion, Prob. Th. Rel. Fields 157
- (with A. Bovier, N. Kistler) Poissonian Statistics in the Extremal Process of Branching Brownian Motion, Ann. Appl. Prob. 22
- (with A. Bovier, N. Kistler) The Genealogy of Branching Brownian Motion, Comm. Pure and Applied Math. 64
- (with Y. Saint-Aubin, H. Aurag) Behavior of the two-dimensional Ising model at the boundary of a half-infinite cylinder, Can. J. Phys. 89
- (with M. Damron, C. Newman, D. Stein) Uniqueness of Ground States for Short-Range Spin Glasses in the Half-Plane, Comm. Math. Phys. 300
- (with M. Damron) Short-Range Spin Glasses and Random Overlap Structures, J. Stat. Phys. 143
- (with M. Aizenman) On the Structure of Quasi-Stationary Competing Particle Systems, Ann. Prob. 37
- (with Y. Saint-Aubin) Restricted partition functions of the 2D Ising model on the half-infinite cylinder, J. Math. Phys. 50
- (with N. Kistler) On Small Perturbations of a Spin Glass System, J. Stat. Phys. 135
- A Remark on the Infinite-Volume Gibs Measure of Spin Glasses, J. Math. Phys. 49
- Competing Particle Systems and the Ghirlanda-Guerra Identities, Electron. Jour. Prob. 13
- A dynamical characterization of Poisson-Dirichlet distributions, Electron. Comm. Prob. 12
- Spin Glass Computations and Ruelle Probability Cascades, J. Stat. Phys. 126
- Homology of Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters of Potts models on the torus, J. Stat. Phys. 109
- (with Y. Saint-Aubin) Non-Unitary Observables in the 2d Critical Ising Model, Phys. Lett. B541